
Are considered a good aesthetic and functional solution for those who want to continue smiling without undergoing dental implant surgery, or when it is not possible to undergo a dental implant due to an abnormal medical problem.

With tooth loss, speech and eating abilities are also impaired. Removable dentures allow, relatively easily and quickly, to restore speech and eating abilities and improve the patient’s quality of life overall.

Dental prosthesis treatment is very suitable for people who avoid complex dental treatments due to their abnormal medical condition like diabetes, advanced gum disease, bone thinning and more.

Types of dentures:

  • Complete dentures: The dentures completely replace the patient’s original teeth and they provide an alternative to teeth for those who do not want to, for various reasons, install dental implants in the mouth.
  • Partial dentures: Partial denture is a removable restoration which is supported by a number of teeth left in the mouth, as well as by the gums and jawbone in the toothless areas. The purpose of a partial denture is to fill in the missing teeth in the mouth.
  • Prostheses on implants: After implants are inserted, a prosthesis can be installed on the implants. This allows better anchoring of the prosthesis in the mouth, which provides high stability.


For more information on the treatment of dentures and to schedule a consultation at our clinic, contact us.