The people behind perfect smiles

Meet our clinic staff

In the Aesthetic Studio dental clinic, you will find a combination of a high level of professionalism and innovation in the field of dentistry, which is reflected in the variety of dental treatments performed at the clinic.

Our care begins with listening to your personal needs and concerns, along with professional and dedicated service which ends in a healthy smile.
Join our circle of satisfied customers and start smiling!

Professional clinic staff

Our team

Dr. Irina Smandarov

Sees its field as an art, and therefore any treatment from root canal to aesthetic crown must be performed at the highest level.

Dr. Ilana Chaikis Behen

Believes that each patient can personally customize the coveted smile which is the most beautiful piece of jewelry that can be worn.

Dr. Evgueni Mekler

Advocates for maximum preservation of damaged teeth and their salvage if possible. Medical ethics is a cornerstone-the benefit and good of the patient is above all.

Dr. Lina Shalel

Always advocates the empowerment and emphasis of the natural beauty inherent in each and every one of us.

Join our circle of satisfied customers and start smiling!